Friday, July 24, 2009

"you fool, you damn fool", The Apartment(1960)

Well its been a prettty uneventful last few days between the last post and now but heres a breif breakdown of what happened:
Woke up, went to work.
Woke up, went to work.
Woke up, waited to go to work, went.
Thats pretty much how its been going down for the last week or so haha not alot of fun but its not too bad.

Went swimming at Porter's hole in French Village or Hampton or something wherever it is its right beside the hammond river covered bridge, it was a pretty good time. I went with someone I couldn't see myself going with about a week ago due to a 1000 word rant about her..haha jesus. I hung out with her at the mall one day and told her she is lucky im a fool. kinda am.

The swimming trip was pretty fun, got muddy, some more than others on account of falling into a mud puddle. I tried to save her but couldn't that time. The water was realy warm and the high spot was pretty sketchy this time around again. Her friend slid on the rocks underwater she said so that was sketchy. When SHE jumped in I was scared for her coz she took so long and the rocks protrude from the spot where you jump. right before she hit the water she leaned back and I thought for sure she was gonna hit the rocks but nope :) lol

Met some ppl there the guys weren't so bad but the girl was pretty annoying and made me want to push her off the rocks. The current was decievingly strong, trying to swim to this rock that was underwater that we couldn't find was extremely hard and i was pretty much dead by the time we made it to the other rocks. On the bright/strange side I found the rock under water but the current pushed me off and i couldnt find it again and it made me sad:(

On the walk back when we had to walk accross the other river I had HER bag so if she fell she wouldnt get it wet coz her cell was in there. I was about halfway accross and I noticed she was having a hard time so i threw my shoes accross the river and was gonna go help her but i had her bag and i didnt want to get it wet so I was like one sec! and went to go to put it on the shore and she fell into the river and floated downstream. lol I have to admit it was hilarious but I booter er the rest of the way accross the river to get rid of her bag then went to help her get out of the water haha.

Again on the walk back she slipped in the mud and ended up getting herself and he bag covererd in mud. I couln't help but laugh haha made it back to the car after that washed off and went home haha I had a pretty decent time I dono how she felt about the whole thing..

Not sure about whats going on with that whole situation but I'm sure ill figure it out some time lol

Went to bed at 4:00am this morning.. had to work for 10:00am so I got up at 9:00 called my grandparents for a ride and got to work. One of the kitchen managers asked me what time i was in and I told him 10-5, he gave me a sideways look and said are you sure. and I assured him i was positive. We went to the schedule and seen i worked 5-10pm. I was not a happy camper. So I walked to the mall seen Collings and Miller handing out samples for goat milk soap and hand cream and walked to my grandparents house to get a drive home. ugh.

I think I'm going to have a nap because everyone I know is either:
A. Working
B. Sleeping
Enjoy your day everyone, 'till next time

Je suis Napol...Splash Gordon ;)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

money money!

So I gots me a job at a local restaurant "BP". I applied as a delivery driver but so far I've been getting trained in the kitchen. I like working here my managers and other kitchen staff that I have met are all realy cool guys. Free pop whenever I want during my shift get to lisen to music while I'm there and hell the work itself isn't even that bad.

I've decided to not bother letting things, Ie. girls, get to me. It's just realy not worth it. I'm gonna try and enjoy the rest of the summer and what happens happens.

I think I may have "one of those faces", 3 ppl at work told me I look familiar.

I'm going to be getting my own vehicle soon which is going to make things alot better. I'm torn between a truck, and a smaller car that would be decent on gas. I will probably end up getting whichever I get the better deal on first.

So I'm pretty content right now and just wanted to put up there that I'm not just ranting all the time and have a positive post on here before ppl think im gonna go postal or something.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

..And maybe, I'll say "Maybe"..

Well it's time for the first real post I guess you could say, sorry non existant readers but shes shapeing up to be a bitter one.

Now, I don't know if it is because of the way I was brought up, or the people I have surrounded myself with now and then, but when I make plans to do something with someone I go through with the plans. If I can't go through with these plans I tell the person at least but I will do my best to see out my plans.

Starting at the start with the people I grew up with, my friend of years, lets call him Falcor, and I were raised similarly. Our fathers came from the same part of town and instilled in us pretty well the same beliefs and morals. Heck we even went to sunday chuch together after our 6:00AM hockey practices. Nostalgia aside I was raised to hold the door, pull out the chair, and always give up your seat for a woman if she does not have one. I was also taught that you are only as good as your word. So when I tell someone I'm going to be by to get them at 4:30 I'll be there at 25 after 4. And I know that my freind Falcor has these same traits.

It seems that lately, or maybe its just that I'm moving out of my inner circle of people, that people have lost the morals and integrity that I have grown up and learned to rely on. In the last not even a week I have had four plans broken by the other party without so much as a text message on my cell to tell me that they wouldnt be able to go through with our plans.

The one that rattled me and made me realise that I can no longer count on the word of most was when I was planning on going to the movies with someone one night (Buying the tickets already because I did not want her to put up a fight at the show to buy her own ticket). I text messaged the person and asked when se wanted to leave. This was about an hour before the movie and she lived about 15 minutes from my house so I decided I would go into town a bit closer to her place so that I wouldn't have so far to go when she got back to me about when she wanted to leave. After half an hour went by without a word back I was parked at my old school when I texted her again."What do you want to do?". To which I got the response of "I'm so drunk."(minus the spelling being correct). I got this message and simply replied "k" and immidiately tryed to sell off the tickets I had bought earlier because I had no intentions at the time to go to the movie. After talking to my friends on the phone I calmed down a bit and decided after weighing my options to drive around all night from 9-12 because I did not want to put up with my nosey rents askeing about why i wasnt at the movie.

So I was driving, after about an hour I seen some fireworks on a part of town I wasn't familiar with so I tried an old dirt road to see if I could get a better view and I did. After watching them I wasn't as mad at this girl as I was and decided it wasn't worth being all pissed off over her so I drove down to the beach and listen to music from the truck and just relaxed. Then I updated FB and said that I was on the beach in the truck. Once I got back on the road I was driving when I seen the Low Feul light come on and my heart jumped into my throat. I was about 10 minutes drive to the closest gas station I knew of. I remembered the truck having at least 1/4 of a tank last time i looked so I didn't believe it was out, I shut off and restarted the truck and the needle went up to 1/2 tank then in the 5 minutes of driving went down to less that 1/4 then moved up past 1/ I decided I would put gas in it and go home. which I did.

Upon returning home almost broke because of my fathers truck being tricky about gas and the tickets from earlier I walked into the Kitchen where I seen my mother on her laptop with FB open. At that moment I got a message on my phone about a comment my mom left on my status. "What happened to the movies??" When I clicked my cell closed my mother turned around and poked her nose where it didn't need to be untill I got mad and went to bed..

Maybe I sound Whiney, Maybe I'm being a baby but That night all I tried to do was be a "Nice" guy which I am. I had bought the Tickets for me and this girl to go to the movies..I put gas in my fathers truck even though I had done so the day before also. and I came home only to get in trouble for what someone did to me.

It was then I started to REALY think if it ever pays off to be a nice guy.

Since then I am still not sure if it does.

If you made it this far, I congratulate you. wow

and If you read the whole thing you have surprised me haha.

well untill next time this is Splash Gordon.

So I've basically decided to start a blog because there has been a stupid stuff going on that has gotten on my nerves and I don't feel like talkint to people about it because quite simply there is only maybe two people on this planet that i can talk to about things that are going on. Only two people who can offer me advice and only one that realy knows when its advice that I need and when its better to just let me rant and just be a good listener and I thank my best friend of what 14 years now for all the help he has given me.

So this is pretty much it for the whole intoduction thing. This has been me Splash Gordon letting everyone who decides they feel like coming onto my blog for whatever reason that might be know that I appriciate your interest and will accept any good advice, comments, whatever you have to shout out there I'm up for whatever you got to say. Let me have it:)