Well its been a prettty uneventful last few days between the last post and now but heres a breif breakdown of what happened:
Woke up, went to work.
Woke up, went to work.
Woke up, waited to go to work, went.
Thats pretty much how its been going down for the last week or so haha not alot of fun but its not too bad.
Went swimming at Porter's hole in French Village or Hampton or something wherever it is its right beside the hammond river covered bridge, it was a pretty good time. I went with someone I couldn't see myself going with about a week ago due to a 1000 word rant about her..haha jesus. I hung out with her at the mall one day and told her she is lucky im a fool. kinda am.
The swimming trip was pretty fun, got muddy, some more than others on account of falling into a mud puddle. I tried to save her but couldn't that time. The water was realy warm and the high spot was pretty sketchy this time around again. Her friend slid on the rocks underwater she said so that was sketchy. When SHE jumped in I was scared for her coz she took so long and the rocks protrude from the spot where you jump. right before she hit the water she leaned back and I thought for sure she was gonna hit the rocks but nope :) lol
Met some ppl there the guys weren't so bad but the girl was pretty annoying and made me want to push her off the rocks. The current was decievingly strong, trying to swim to this rock that was underwater that we couldn't find was extremely hard and i was pretty much dead by the time we made it to the other rocks. On the bright/strange side I found the rock under water but the current pushed me off and i couldnt find it again and it made me sad:(
On the walk back when we had to walk accross the other river I had HER bag so if she fell she wouldnt get it wet coz her cell was in there. I was about halfway accross and I noticed she was having a hard time so i threw my shoes accross the river and was gonna go help her but i had her bag and i didnt want to get it wet so I was like one sec! and went to go to put it on the shore and she fell into the river and floated downstream. lol I have to admit it was hilarious but I booter er the rest of the way accross the river to get rid of her bag then went to help her get out of the water haha.
Again on the walk back she slipped in the mud and ended up getting herself and he bag covererd in mud. I couln't help but laugh haha made it back to the car after that washed off and went home haha I had a pretty decent time I dono how she felt about the whole thing..
Not sure about whats going on with that whole situation but I'm sure ill figure it out some time lol
Went to bed at 4:00am this morning.. had to work for 10:00am so I got up at 9:00 called my grandparents for a ride and got to work. One of the kitchen managers asked me what time i was in and I told him 10-5, he gave me a sideways look and said are you sure. and I assured him i was positive. We went to the schedule and seen i worked 5-10pm. I was not a happy camper. So I walked to the mall seen Collings and Miller handing out samples for goat milk soap and hand cream and walked to my grandparents house to get a drive home. ugh.
I think I'm going to have a nap because everyone I know is either:
A. Working
B. Sleeping
Enjoy your day everyone, 'till next time
Je suis Napol...Splash Gordon ;)
13 years ago